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An intellectual property (IP) due diligence (also known as an IP Audit) can be described to be an audit to assess the quantity and the quality of intellectual property assets owned by, or licensed to, a company, or an individual. an IP Audit also allows our attorneys to make an assessment about how the intellectual property is protected and relevant to the company. Our law firm takes importance in performing an IP due diligence. We want to make sure our clients are protected and covered in all aspects when purchasing another company’s assets or selling its own assets. We ensure that we are adequately capturing all of the intellectual property assets and make sure our clients understand the scope of the intellectual property rights that are being acquired or sold. The purpose of the IP Audit is to systematically review the intellectual property assets owned, licensed, or acquired by a business. We encourage our clients to conduct this process prior to any transaction discussions in order to afford the opportunity to correct any adverse issues that may be revealed later during the transaction process.

As it is our duty to protect our client’s best interest, it is your duty to take the first step in protecting yourself and your assets. Our attorneys have experience in handling the transactions of intellectual property rights between two entities and we make sure our clients’ interests are always protected. If you have any questions, give us a call and speak with one of our attorneys with experience performing IP Audits. We can help guide you through this process and answer any questions you may have. Our attorneys are available to speak with you on the phone and advise you on your next possible steps. Our firm values our client’s time and needs and works diligently to protect our client’s interests.

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